Happy, happy!!!
My sister Alejandra is having TWINS!!! She's my second youngest sister, and this is her first pregnancy. Yesterday she got the news that they are having twins, and dad just called to let me know. This is their first kid (set of kids, now!) and she and hubby Oscar are so excited! I am also giggling inside... they have NO CLUE what's coming her way (HA!). Congratulations, you two!!
Noni and Papa are visiting my parents in Mexico. Mom and dad have been inviting them over since they met, there was very good chemistry amongst them. They were going to visit them back in April, but then my grandma passed away, and they had to cancel. I cannot wait to see the pictures that Noni will bring. They arrived on the eve of mom's birthday, so dad had a serenade for mom at midnight. Very traditional, so that my inlaws can get a good feeling of what the culture and the traditions are all about. Noni and Papa are having a good time, and so are mom and dad!
Last weekend, at mass, I really loved the sermon by father Dan. He talked about a topic he confessed even he avoided because of political correctness and because of fear of getting people angry, stepping on too many toes and/or being labeled a hater. He talked about abortion. He finally said it in no uncertain terms: it is wrong. And that made me think about my own silence. You see, I started a blog trying to find a voice for myself. As a matter of fact, I remember those days I was so hurt and horrified when an acquaintance of mine had an abortion because her baby had Downs Syndrome. I was sick to my stomach, but I didn't have many friends to talk to. The only "friend" I thought I had, besides my own husband, is a "progressive", very "educated" "free thinking" person that absolutely agrees with this abomination of a crime that has been legalized. And so, looking for a place to "scream", so to speak, I ended up here in Blog. In all honesty, I didn't even know back then that people go to each other's blogs, and leave comments and such. My friend Tracie was the first person who found my blog about 6 months after I started it (I still have no clue how), and she started commenting, and other people started coming over from her blog and leaving comments. After that, it occurred to me that I could no longer express my points of view with honesty, for fear of being label any of those things Father Dan talked about, and for fear of getting people angry and not coming back. I used self-censoreship, and have been blogging only about the things that seemed "appropriate", but keeping tight lips about the things that are important to me, and dear to my heart.
But today, just like Father Dan did last Sunday, I decided to "reclaim" my blog. I know that most likely nobody will comment to this post, and that is OK. I've found that when something has a hint of politics or religion, many will steer away and stay clear. And that is OK. But I will not refrain myself from keeping this online journal for myself about the things that matter to me today. The things that count. The things I feel passionate about. A true account of what I do and who I am and where I stand.
And so, with that in mind, I share with myself, many years from now, that tomorrow, the Fox Valley Families Against Planned Parenthood will be kicking off 40 days for Life with a candlelight vigil. Our family, or maybe just myself, will surely be there, down on our knees, praying like we have so many times before, so that the murder of innocent babies stops. If you care to, say a little prayer so that the good Lord looks kindly upon this cause.
And that is all for now. Hopefully next time I will also have pictures to share with family and the people who still care to read this humble (and at the same time, very proud) account of who I am.
God bless!
I am so proud of you!!!
Congrats on the news of the twins...you are right when you say "they have NO CLUE what's coming their way (HA!)"~ they really don't do they???
I hope your Noni, Papa Mom & Dad...have a blast together...serenade you say...how romantic. T serenaded me too you know....
Ooooh! thanks for reminding me about that...I have to do a page about it :o)
*HUGE hugs~ you lovely ones*
and congrats to your sister and hubby on those twin babies! oh my, I can see you now when those babes arrive!!
I agree, I am proud of you. I feel so bad for those who think they should have an abortion, because they don't know what they are missing. My sister-in-law was told after an amnio (which I didn't have) that her baby might have Downs Syndrome...well they were totally wrong. She's a beautiful 10 year old girl with a minor bone deficency that doesn't affect her everyday life! In the end, they will feel guilty, I'm sure...so I pray that more people choose life!
I totally agree with what you said. Every life is a miracle & should be celebrated. Kudos to you for standing up for what you believe in. You have the right to say what you feel & believe.
On another note, I just caught up on your posts, and I have to say that your family just cracks me up! I remember when my son found my razor in the tub and decided to shave his legs.... yikes!
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
Congrats on the news about your sister's twins. That is such exciting news!
Hope the fam enjoys the rest of their visit with your fam! I'm sure they are having fun, if it started with a serenade;0)
And as far as the other...it's YOUR blog and you probably don't "know" most of the people who read it...let them know who you are. i would never consider it, but i've never been put in a situation that i would. with k and baby a, they had a high risk of having downs (mostly due to my age), i wouldn't even consider an amino because of the risk of a spontaneous abortion...God gives us what He gives us.
Hermano, más vale que cuando leeas ésto lo edites y lo escribas bien y como Dios manda, porque yo puedo hacer como que hablo inglés y hacer que la gente se lo crea, pero la escritura es otra cosa y si con práctica no se me daba muy bien, sin prática menos.
Muchas gracias por las felicitaciones, a todos. Estamos mucho muy contentos por nuestros bebés, por los dos. Y si, no tenemos ni idea de lo que nos espera, ciertamente... pero estoy segura que estaremos muy bien. De todas formas, muchas gracias, porque con esas porras y apoyo... Chale! Quién necesita amigos, con esas porras! Verdad hermano??? :P
Atte: Tu (un poco) ofendida hermana ;P (ntc).