We've been having the yuckies this month. We started with Coco on Monday night (Jan 5), right after Brian left for Nebraska. It's tough enough not to have Brian around for a week, when we celebrate the Epiphany Feast on January 6, but having one of the kids sick is really not fun. Coco spent all night long throwing up, poor thing, and I spent it washing carpets. She was so miserable, that I even let her open her Wise Men day (Epiphany) presents at 2 AM, but nothing could make her happy. She had a quizzie tummy until Friday, but she absolutely refused to stay home other than Tuesday. Then on Saturday night, of course, I started feeling quizzie myself. YUCK!!! It feels like I've been in bed since forever! My head still won't stop hurting, but other than that, I guess I'm feeling better today.

(just hoping Connor doesn't get the yuckies!)

On Saturday, I tried to make Rice Krispies treats with white chocolate, pecans and pretzels, but I decided I will NEVER be Martha... It was a disaster. I think they are still sitting on the counter. Nobody has really 1touched them. My friend Maria promised to teach me how to make them... we'll see if that works.

And we had (finally) Coco's Christmas party at school. They had to cancel it because of a snow day last year (ha! isn't it fun to say LAST year when we're talking about just a few weeks ago?). We had lots of fun! I think everybody was happy with the games we played. This was my favorite, the kids were "skating" with those shoe boxes and the over-sized gloves. Fun!

Last Thursday I went with Cesar (and his friends, of course!) to his new high school. It is soooo exciting! I can't believe he's going to high school in August! I am a little bit nervous, since I still don't completely understand the school system in the US. In Mexico, school is a lot different, so I'm not quite sure what to expect. I still don't understand the "senior, freshman" terminology, and in my opinion, they give the kids too many choices. I'm not sure that I was ready to make choices when I went to college, leave alone high school! In Mexico, you are just in High School, period. I hope that I can get used to all these things quickly. It is a good thing that Brian is by my side to help me help Cesar go through this new face. Really exciting!

It's been horribly cold and snowy around here, and it seems like it will continue to snow for a few more days... let's see how we fare! Coco decided on Saturday to go out and bury Miss Maddie's gloves... and then had to go and look for them on Sunday with Steve. Note the fishing net to get to the gloves!

Today I started trying to organize my knitting and sewing projects. by the way, do you know of a good tutorial website/blog/group for totes? I want to sew a tote, but a decent one... just don't know where to go. I looked into a class at Joann, but the class was $75!!! For that kind of money, I'll just go to Etsy and buy a really cute one, and not even bother with all the work!
I hope to feel completely better in a few more days, and come back to this space like a decent blogger! That is one of my resolutions for this year... let's see if I can keep up with it!

EDITED: Connor just started the vomit and diarrea... oh the joy. He's such a trooper, though. Happy camper as can be!


Secundino said…
Eh Paulita!

No me dejaron nada los Reyes Magos en tu casa?

Ando buscando dónde se perdieron, porque a la mía ya no alcanzaron a llegar...
Nina Diane said…
Oh Paula....I'm so sorry that nasty bug has been spreading through your house! Hope everyone gets well real soon. Love the pics as always.....and especially the snow pics. We are praying and doing the snow dance here in Virginia but nothing yet!
Carrie said…
Ohhhh, I'm so sorry that you've all caught the yuckies. :( This time of the year can be so rough. The first picture of Coco is just so sad, bless her little heart. Hope that you all are feeling much better soon!

Fishing for gloves in the snow. Ha! :)
i'm sorry that you all have been sick!! i hope that you feel better soon.

and really sorry about all that cold weather, too. i feel for you...if you want to send a little snow my way, i'd appreciate it, but you can keep the frigid temps!!

take care and feel better!
Martha said…
I hope you have more health to come...

Happy Epiphany!

What have you been knitting? Did you see my link to "knitta" in my blog...I've just been dabbling. I love it, though!

As for the Rice Krispies...looks like scrupmtious granola to me! Try serving it as cereal?
Kim Watson said…
Oh sweetie I am so sorry about all the tummy bugs & drama (& with Brian not there too) I hope everyone is recovered & well again?

The shoe box skating sounds like a blast, I miss the snow.

Wow! Caesar in high school...it is going to be an exciting year all round I think. I look forward in anticipation to reading all about it here. Yay! for blogging!

Hugs to you all.
kmmiller said…
bless you and your family. I hope you are all finally on the mend. High School will be fun for him. We will help you adjust. {hugs}
Cheryl Wray said…
Oh, yuck!!!! I hope that everyone in your house is feeling better soon. That is not fun!!

Cesar will do great!!!

I say--go with the "regular" rice krispy treats. They are always the best!! Yumm!!

Have a great weekend.
Lesli said…
I am so sorry the cruddies have made an appearance at your house. I hope everyone feels better soon. It is the absolute worse to have a housefull of young one who are miserable.

Thinking of you - hope life gets better!
Kara Ward said…
I hope all is well...we too have been battling illness. Just different kinds...it doesn't matter.When your children are sick, you worry. Happy New Year! Kara

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