Wrestling and other things

I never, EVER thought that i would enjoy wrestling. I actually HATE these kinds of sports because of how violent they seem. I can't even watch football, because of all the pushing and piling and... I was very surprised at how enthusiastically I embraced Cesar's decision to join his school's team. I thought I would be crying when I saw him the first time, but instead, I was yelling so loud, I'm pretty sure he's sorry that he ever gave me a copy of his schedule. He didn't win on this particular match, but it was a close call. We'll see how much he gets into it.

I love these pictures... Love it when my two boys interact and have fun together. Boy! Cesar IS getting cuter (If I may say so myself!)

Last Friday, Coco and I went to see "Seussical the Musical" with her classmates. It was a very nice play, and I had fun with her friends and her. It is just so awesome to have the opportunity to spend time with her. It was kind of a "date" for the two of us.

Sorry I've been gone for a while. I was sick for a few days, and then the kids were sick, too. Now, Cesar will be going for surgery to remove his tonsils on Friday... poor little thing. I'll keep you posted as to how he does.
Lots of hugs!


Nina Diane said…
glad to hear from you......I was wondering how everyone was doing.
Jake wrestled a couple of years in middle school and like you, I didn't think I would enjoy but man, that's intense when your son takes the mat! glad everyone is feeling better
Pauline said…
absolute GREAT wrestling shots!
How was the musical???
Your kids are adorable :) Good luck on Friday. These boys...they'll keep you on your toes!!
Cheryl Wray said…
Wrestling is really big at our middle and high school. I never remembered it when I was in school, but it's really popular here.

The pics are all great!
Kara Ward said…
You have had some fun...I am not much of a wrestling fan either...I did cheer for it in high school. Take Down!!!!!Kara
Kim Watson said…
Hi friend!
Great wrestling shots given that they were probably moving at lightning speed!! You are right about Caesar, he is filling out & looking older....& very handsome too :o) Sorry about the tonsils though, I know how painful they can be.

Isn't the theater the best!!! Maxi & I also call our visits there, our own special 'daytime dates', I am glad your two had such fun.

Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog...they never fail to put a smile on my face. I appreciate you!
yeah, i don't know how i feel about the whole wrestling thing. glad that you are enjoying it!! and what a fun day with the class...i haven't had any of those this year, yet...i miss it!
Anonymous said…
hola tia! pues aqui no mas pasando de carrerita a saludarte pa'q veas q no me olvido! saludos y besos a todos!!

Carrie said…
Fantastic photos! I love the rough and tumble sports, hockey particularly, but wrestling always seemed over the top for me. Ouch! Sounds like you're one proud and supportive Momma. :) Hope his surgery went well, and has had a speedy recovery.
Oh!! I think it's so fun when kids get into sports! You got some great pictures of him!!!!

Awww! I'm so glad you and Coco got to see the Seussical!! Did she just LOVE it?!

ps- yes... Cesar is getting cuter by the day!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Pau: Estoy muy tristísimade que no vienes. Es una verdadera lástima que no vayamos a estar todos juntos, peroentiendo que la patria esté jodida y a veces no se puede. Por favor saluda a todos de mi parte. Espero que la cirugía de Cesarín haya ido bien. Dale enemil besitos a los changos, y si te alcanza el tiempo, también a Briancín. JIJIJI. Cuidate mucho hermanaca naca naca, y recibe todo nuestro cariño de aquel lado de la frontera... Te super amo.

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