
I'm usually not very good at doing the tag thingy, because I always FORGET (they call it AGING), but this time I'm sooo miserable in my bed that I need to do something fun before I go insane (stupid allergies!). SO, here's my take on the tag that my good friend Nina Diane has in her blogeroo... Go visit her, she's just a cute, CUTE lady!!!

1. I’ve come to realize that my last kiss was... around 8:30 tonight when Connory-Con-Con-Con went to bed (that's what i call my baby boy)

2. I am listening to… one of my murder shows on TV (Notorious on Bio)

3. I talk… way too much (ditto! Just ask Brian, says I remind him of an oscilating fan)

4. I love… scrapbooking and crafting!

5. My best friend is... ARE... there are a few in a several places... New Lennox, IL; San Luis Potosi, Mexico; Turkana, Kenya

6. My love life… is just great!

7. I hate it when people assume… they know who I am just because I am hispanic, OR because they see McCain/Palin signs on my front yard.

8. Love is… wonderful (ditto)

9. Marriage is… an awesome journey and a great commitment! lots of great, loving work, some days great, some others not so great, but always an awesome journey!

10. Somewhere, someone is thinking… McCain can really win, and there is still hope for my beautiful country!

11. I’m always… tired (DITTO!!!)

12. I have a secret crush on… my kids (but I think it's not too secret!)

13. My cell phone… is always nowhere to be found.

14. When I wake up in the morning… I wish I could sleep a little longer

15. When I go to bed at night… I fight it sooo badly!

16. Right now I am thinking about… my stupid stuffed sinus cavities and the pressure behind my eyes.

17. Babies are… worthy of saving!

18. I get on Face Book... daily

19. Tonight I will… I AM... watching and laying in bed

20. Tomorrow I will… go to vote!

Feel free to go ahead and consider yourself tagged if you feel like it!


Nina Diane said…
oh Paula.....I pray so hard that our country will do what is right...and vote for MCCAIN!!!
hope you feel better soon and thanks for the shout out.
Carrie said…
A tag that deserves smiles. :)

I'm one of those people who believe McCain can still win.
Kara Ward said…
You sound so much like me...kara
maybe i will play along!

sorry about your allergies, that normally gets me near the beginning of the year. hope you are feeling better soon.

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