So sad.

Such a sad day for my country.


Carrie said…
I share your sadness today, my heart is very heavy this morning.
Anonymous said…
Hola Paulita! I hope you are feeling better and are not suffering from your allergies. I thought about this long and hard and this is what I came up with. Republicans are against abortion and so am I! I hate to know that for w/e reasons women take the choice of having an abortion and this procedure is done. UNNACEPTABLE! Everyone has a choice and obviously they made the wrong one! Not protecting themselves. For the ones that end up pregnant unfortunately because of a rape is still not right to have an abortion. That child still has the right to live and should be given that chance. If God allowed that to happen is for a reason! Even if McCain would of won I think that abortion still wouldn't of been forbidden at all. Bush is a republican and has not done a darn thing about it. His focus has been in the war that has been going on for 2 long! Our troops are out there fighting for our freedom to protect us and are not being taken care of when then come back nor their families. I would hate to be in those peoples positions where their loved ones are away at war not knowing if they will make it back safely! Obama has been chosen to be our next president and I think we need to pray that he is taken by the hand by God who is all powerful to guide him through this difficult journey he is about to start because the debt we are in is not going to be an easy task for him. I remember when Bill Clinton was in office that life was pretty comfortable and things were much easier. I don't remember being in so much stress thinking if I would be able to make the payments. Things changed and I hope the things change now for the best for everyone! I love my country and I am proud to be an American and I just hope that God continues to protect this land we live in because where would we end up!? I pray that God let things happen for the best for EVERYONE!!! Cheer up cousin everything will work out okay! love you lots!
big hugs for you paula. i'm sure that i would be feeling the same way today had the turnout been different. i just hope that our country can come together and get us out of the mounds of debt that we are in, help americans get back on their feet with jobs, and getting our troops out of a war that we should have been out of a long time ago.
Martha said…
I contemplated wearing black...
I needed some good support, so I listened to Rush Limbaugh at lunch time & he pointed out that conservatives didn't lose THAT much. In California, they upheld that marriage should be between just a man and a woman! We have to trust God. Sometimes I really wonder if Obama will get worse...if he is the anti-Christ. Then, I try to put my faith in God, ask Him to make me strong!
Anonymous said…
Hola Paulita! I didn't know your birthday was in November!? Well I wanted to wish you to have a great b-day and that you are bless with many more! Love you lots!
Kim Watson said…
This is where we have to have faith in our Lord's sovereignty my friend. Be strong...He always has a plan up His sleeve.
Hugs my friend...XX
Kara Ward said…
Each day will be brighter...I am a Rep. too! Hang in there...Kara
Hello! Just read your comment on my blog. Thanks for stopping by!!! I absolutely agree with you.

BTW, I *love* your name!!!
L@ said…
Hermano, ya pon algo nuevo... es muy aburrido entrar y encontrarte todavía de luto...

Ya sube algo nuevo... no ves que no tengo en que entretenerme :P :S

Bueno, ya que no hay nada más interesante que mirar en tu blog hoy... (como ayer y antier y otros días...) Ya me voy... te portas, besos a los niños y saludos a mi cuñado :D
Lissa Ballard said…
Amen my friend...

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