Just stuff...

It was Noni's birthday on October 12, but since Brian was leaving that day for Panama, we had to wait to celebrate her b-day when he came back the following weekend. We went for Mexican food at Boca Burritos (if you're ever in Batavia or Montgomery, you HAVE to go to this place). I love it when Coco and Connor can have time to play with them... and love how they are such great sports. Just look at Connor pulling Papa's ears...

Of course, no party or celebration is ever complete unless Brian does something weird. He did start flying soon after he put this on, but I ran out of batteries (HAHA!)

And just a few pix of my weird kids... LOVE this hat, my mom crocheted it for me, and I think Connor looks just ADORABLE in it!

I just LOVEd this picture... these two kids adore each other!

And here is Connor helping mom make some huevos con chorizo... AND frijoles negros (black beans). This is a very typical Mexican breakfast (more like brunch) but I don't cook it too often, since it's a bitsy spicy and Coco and Connor complain about it...

Yesterday, I had a little chance to make a couple of things... a LO about Lladro dolls that remind me so much of my Abuelita Paula, and three ornaments for the kids. They are all a letter C (Coco, Cesar, Connor), but Coco's was the only one I'm showing here...

And this one, which is for a challenge by good ol' Kim (I love that girl!)...
And this is a little challenge of my own: take a picture of the most unusual mess at your home. You know? I just loved seeing this one on our coffee table yesterday. I just had to take a picture and smile... So, what is your weirdest mess at home right now?


kmmiller said…
Love the black and white of the kids. just precious. I also love the one of Brian in the hat. we need to get together soon.
Nina Diane said…
Hey there!!
I love the picture of Connor and Coco laying together. And especially love the ice cream cone pic...cute!! Your kids are so beautiful.
It's fun spending time with family....it's what I love most about my life!
Carrie said…
Awwww the BW photo of the two of them together is absolutely precious! Ice Cream face gave me a good giggle, too cute. :)
Fantastic scrappiness! I really like your 'Today' LO.
Kara Ward said…
Your children are just beautiful...I can see the joy in your home. wink,wink...Kara
Misty said…
Came here from Kim's blog. Great lo! My mom used to make eggs and chorizo for us too! Brings back memories. Great blog.
Martha said…
Go Paula! You know I love that layout!!! Looks like you had a nice birthday celebration with Noni. The orange peels in the tambourine make me smile...stuff ends up in the funniest places here, too!
loving the pics and witchy brian...and the layouts...and think my fave though has to be the food...yummmmmmmmy! one thing i haven't found around here is a good mexican restaurant/market...i was doing the happy dance last month when costco had carne asada...i miss so cal. =0(
Kim Watson said…
Hi friend!! It sure looks as if everyone enjoyed being together...there is nothing better than family, right??

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NONI!! I hope it was a super day!

All the photo's are adorable...but how couldn't they be with such cute faces!! Your brood gets cuter every day!

I love the stitching on your L.O...it is very pretty! & thanks so much for playing along with my challenge...you were one of the RAK winners :o) :o) (cos you are so special!)
Anonymous said…
Girl you made me hungry! I am starving right now and that breakfast looks awesome! You are great on the things you make. I wish I could have the energy to make those things. I want to go home and sleep all the time and eventhough I don't just can't seem to do something as pretty as that. I made something pretty once almost 10 years ago and then 7 years ago I perfected my same invention then I was done. haven't tried anything else ever since. ;) I can hardly keep up with the kids and my husband is not even funny. Oh did I mentioned my dog. I need to start making time to do something more productive and creative. I hope you all are ready for trick or treat day and not sure I'll be in the area to try that Burrito place but I'm happy you all enjoyed your time spent there! Take care of yourself and the kids including Brian! He needs your tender love and care 2. hugs and kisses cousin!
Cheryl Wray said…
I LOVE all of those pictures. Looks like a wonderful day with family!!!! (And, mmmm, I want some of that brunch. That looks incredible!!)
Kim Watson said…
I was thinking about you so thought I'd pop in & say HI!!! I hope you aren't too busy at the office & are managing to get some 'you' time in???? Yip, I'm checking up on you~heehee! I know you....you always think of yourself last.
Catch a huge hug & remember you are special!
Secundino said…
no marcheees con tus chorros de comentariooos!!! qué envidia :( a ver si algún día...

y NO, nunca has escuchado de Lucio Campana Laurel Peralta del Real. De eso estoy seguro, como que lleva 2 meses de inventado.

I love your election layout. I've been thinking about doing one on my thoughts about that day so my kids can understand what I was feeling that day.
Words simply cannot sum up how I feel about you and your family my dear friend...you make me smile and laugh and I just love it! The mess in the house...that is GREAT! You really do show us how to think outside of the box and laugh at silly things instead of get angry. For that I just love you!!!

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