More summery stuff...

Not much going on around here... just a very pleasant summer. Loads of chocolate ice cream and back yard fun...

Loads of sleepovers (wake up, sleepy bonehead!), and loads of watery fun...
Loads of friends over and fun places to eat...
Loads of Rings around the Roseys...
Tons of fun faces and new bear-y good new friends...
LOADS of catching Cesar off guard (HA! Take that, no-picture-boy!!!)...
Tons of butterflies on our butterfly bush (they DO work! How about Cesar's pix of this one, huh? not bad for a first timer!)...

And lots of friends that we don't get to see in years! This is Coco's Godmother, Eve. We were sooo happy to see her when she came to visit us over the weekend!...

Blissful... I love summer!


Martha said…
What great photos...sounds like our summer. Lots of playing outside and ice cream! Awesome photos of Cesar...he looks so cute, yeah, like you caught him "off guard" for sure. Coco's Godmother is so pretty!!! Summer officially ends Sept 21st, right? It's still summer, even if school's in-session!
Pauline said…
hey i wasn't invited for chocolate ice cream!
loving all your pics woman!...we've been chillaxing too...especially this week enjoying a little less humidity and cooler temps...we even cut the air off and have the windows opened.
Kim Watson said…
Hiya...friends!!! Thanks for the great photo post...I love looking at whatcha been up to. adorable enough to squeeze...even you Caesar...if I lived closer that it'll have to be cyber, OK!

Caesar your butterfly photo is really professional...there is some hidden talents in those hands I tell please will you take some photo's of your pretty Mama for her blog...OK!
Nina Diane said…
glad to see you back....I was getting worried about you again girlie! Great pics...your camera skills are improving with each posting.....hard to see summer end and i know with all of the fun you're having with the kids, it's even harder!
Anonymous said…
Hey there Chica. I always enjoy it when you FINALLY update us. lol Such the good photographer. I don't think I've taken a photo the entire summer!

I am so glad you are having a wonderful summer! I've missed you.
Jen Mc said…
Look at all those pictures! Your kiddos are getting so big. Looks like a great summer.

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