this stinking weather...

Yesterday when we got ready for school and daycare, it was pretty chilly. The forecast said it would get better, but I've heard that one before... so Coco and Connor were wearing the long pants and sweaters. In the evening, we had such good weather, Coco was not happy with her long pants. They played with our neighbor Collin most of the evening.
So, this morning, Coco refused to wear long pants. The result?
All parents dropping off their kids must have thought I am a VERY bad and irresponsible mother. She was freezing, although she wouldn't admit to it. In my defense, I have to say that in solidarity, I wasn't wearing a sweater, only short sleeves. That way I don't look so bad, just plain coo-coo in the head (what else is new...)

Now, you may think Coco's hair got undone with all the air and the running. But truth is, i don't think Coco has let me brush her hair in the past 4 years. Especially not before school. I also have to say that in solidarity, I didn't do my hair, either (only I'm not going to take a picture of myself attesting to that! That way, you may THINK I'm coo-coo, but you cannot prove it!)

Dropping off Coco, especially when we walk, is very tough for Connor. He was so happy to see her through the window doors, standing on line waiting to go into her classroom

I loved this picture of Connor! Pizza all over his face and all, I just loved it!

And this picture I post just because my family visit my blog, and when they see all the pix of the kids and even the dog, they ask why are there no pictures of Cesar... This is why!


love all the pics of the kiddos...especially connor looking through the window-so sweet!

{tom loves g's pizza-you guys are lucky!}

sure cuts a lot is a great program, girl! if you have a lot of different fonts-it's awesome! it will eliminate my need to buy any of the font cartridges.

enjoy your weekend. we are getting dumped on currently.
kmmiller said…
I am ready for it to be warm as well. Love the pictures. one day cesar will come around.
Kim Watson said…
I love the 'in soladarity' chirps LOL! Kids being unique gives us all our bloggie amo & for the record you are a GREAT mom, trousers or no trousers!

Love all the pic's & I am not even family!
Anonymous said…
I always enjoy seeing your family pics and 'hearing' from you. Thanks for updating us all!

Nina Diane said…
I love the close up of Connor! we are having weird weather here in, then hot, rain, rain, rain......ughhhhh
Lesli said…
Great photos Paula - our weather has been insane here too. Raining like crazy right now!!! Glad to know all is well!
Anonymous said…
Hola tia!
No seas flojeringuis 'poztea' mas!!
Y si, segun tu, no tienes tiempo debido a esos 3 mounstros...!!!
Vendelos al zoologico, ya si no te quieren dar nada...tienes plan B... Salvation Army???

anii hermozzza!!
Secundino said…
claro que está tu comentario anterior! y lo leí! por eso ya sabía que tu favorito es Felipe!

está en las entradas antiguas, allí está!

muchos saludos, Paulita :)
Cheryl Wray said…
Those pictures are just great. I really love the one of Coco on the swing!! So pretty!!

Hope you're having a good week!

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