Boys WILL be boys (forever and ever!)

This is what happens when your husband is the person in charge of the Christmas decorations:

Every day I find a new thing around the house that should be in one of the Christmas boxes. Jingle bells. Poinsettias. Red velvet bows. Something. I still have to say, it was the BEST feeling to come home to a nicely decorated home. So thoughtful of Brian. Only next time, I'll volunteer to take over...


Pauline said…
He does get an A for effort.
Anonymous said…
New camera and all and my picture is not yet on your site!!! Nor is there a link or even my name in the "Friends" section. Whatever happened to "Best Friends-Sisters"? Now explain that to me!!!!
Nina Diane said…
it was just so sweet of them to decorate for you! And I must say that I love your craft room. Where oh where did you get that wonderful desk setup? I might have a room coming open and then I can finally have my own craft room.
Lesli said…
Just too funny Paula :) I hope all is well - I wanted to stop by and catch up.

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