Finally two!

I really can't understand what is it with boys and cameras. Yesterday was Connor's birthday, and I could not take a good picture of him to save my life. We went to the store to buy his present (we didn't have a chance to get anything before!), and as soon as I would call his name, he'd turn his face away from me. Today, I tried to take a picture, and I chased him all over the house, but he'd hide UNDER THE BED!
Papa was pointing out that he is now on the TERRIBLE TWOs, but I had to correct him, for Connor has been at that stage since about 3 months ago. Coco has been at that stage since 2003, and Cesar since 1996, so there's really not much difference amongst all three of my children...

This is another thing I cannot understand about Coco and Connor: they do this

Nope, they don't make ceramic figurines for nativity sets... Do you notice how these figurines are all lined up? Well, both Coco and Connor do this, all the time. They're ALWAYS lining up things. Always. Coco will do that even with her presents on Christmas! I never thought that I could pass them my clean-freak condition to my off-springs, but I guess it is genetic, after all...

And finally, today was a weird day, ending with a lot of fog. Doesn't it look so pretty? I'm glad we don't have to drive anywhere! The street looks just too cute, and the Christmas lights just look amazing in the middle of the mist...


beautiful pics...funny about lining things up...
Pauline said…
Happy birthday connor, and thanks for sharing your GREAT PIXS!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNOR!!! I can't believe you're TWO already!!!!!!
What gorgeous pictures!! He's a little heart-breaker in the making!! :)
Oh.. terrible 2's you say? Well my dear, Mackie is 5 and Ellie will be 4 on Saturday (22nd) and they are BOTH still in the 'terrible 2s stage!'
I wonder WHEN it'll end?!
Love your Christmas Nativity! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Nina Diane said…
Connor is just precious!
I love the snow pictures...I wish we would get some snow. "They" are saying maybe next week.
My son Jake always lined up was weird, and he would get very excited about his accomplishments...he would line up playing cards, his toys, his food.....haha
Two? really? That doesn't seem possible......wasn't he just a little baby?

Love the lining up stuff. Lucas has to place all these felt reindeer ornaments all in a row on the they're running in a herd. LOL

Merry Christmas if I don't make it back.

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