SO... here's to my sister Hilda...

My sister Hilda reads my blog off and on, and she's been complaining that there are no pictures of her son Gustavo on it. Which is true, but it hasn't been on purpose. It's just that teenagers don't like posing for pictures, particularly boys. BUT, just to honor her and get her off my back, here goes to my dear nephew...

As for me, I've been a little bit down. I don't like to blog when I'm down, I usually like to wait for better times. But, as it turns out, we had bad news with dad again. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease last Saturday, as I was in the middle of an awesome scrapbook retreat that Jodie organizes twice a year. However, one of the ladies that attends each year was telling me that her husband has the disease, and he's doing very well; they are controlling it with medication.
That made me feel a lot of relief... only yesterday I learned that, in my dad's case, they will not be treating it. The drugs and treatments for it have very serious adverse effects for my dad's blood health, so in order to keep his treatment against the blood clotting he suffers from, he won't be treated for Parkinson's.
Brian was telling me that it is difficult to imagine our parents' death, but it is not his death that concerns me, but the quality of life that he will have. I just can't even begin to imagine to see my dad without control of his face, or his arms, or legs. That is what hurts the most.
Sorry to blog when I'm sad... I guess God will find a way to help dad and my family, either way. Sometimes it just feels a little overwhelming. I need to pray for more FAITH and PATIENCE.


Nina Diane said…
Hey Paula.....I was happy to see a post from you as I was worried something was going on with your dad again. And then as I read the post down, there it was. And I just want you to know I'm sorry about all of that. It's hard, I know. My parents are getting up in age, dad 74 and mom 72 and mom's health is not so good. hugs and prayers your way.....
Paula my dear....

You are one person I have always felt has a great deal of Faith! Please just keep that level of Faith and understand that God has plans for us that we simply do not know about.

You know how terribly sorry I am to hear about your father, it has been a very hectic few months for him (and you and your family). I will continue to keep him and you in my prayers. As always, call me anytime to talk my friend.

Love ya!!
Oh and PS....

Hilda your son is a cutie!! Thanks for posting Paual! :)
Bethany E. said…
What cute pictures! Hope Hilda is happy now! :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad...just keep your faith in God and everything will work out, whatever happens. I will pray for you and your family. Hugs!

Cheryl Wray said…
Oh, I hate to hear that about your Dad. But, you know, I really appreciate when I hear about the struggle blog friends have. Because then I know to pray for them! I will be praying for your Dad and your family!

Love the pictures!
Anonymous said…
Paula, you are stronger than you know and you will find the strength to endure this trial.

Just know that your father has lived a long and wonderful life and he will continue to do so as long as he's alive. Just keep that in your mind.

God Bless you all chica!

Love you!

It's Ok to blog when you're sad. It's an opportunity for your web friends to support you and send you strength.
It's very scary to see our parents, the ones who's hands raised us, suffer in any way. I'll be thinking about you.

ps. your "sweet mother of pearl" comment about made me pee my pants.
It's ok to blog when you're sad! your blog buddies are here for support as well as for a laugh or 2. Never forget that, K?
Your dad and of course, your entire family, is always in my heart.
Big hugs to you and never worry about blogging when you're down. Like I said, we're here for you!!
kari and kijsa said…
We are sorry to hear your news, but will pray for patience, hope, and answered prayers!
What a cutie too!!

kari & kijsa
How about a few pictures of me and my name in the list of your friends? Whatever happened to "best friends"?


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