I made this in a Saturday class... only took 4.5 hours! (I should be making scrapbooks to sell at the Promenade Craft Show at Cesar's Jr. High... at this rate, I will be selling all the materials I bought, at cost, if that!!!). Love that last picture... Connor's tongue is always sticking out, for some unknown reason...


Nina Diane said…
love that.....your quilting is coming along great! I really want to learn to quilt
love the quilt...i have NO talent in that area...cute pic of connor!!
Cheryl Wray said…
That is GORGEOUS!!!
Pauline said…
That is a beautiful quilt .. FRIEND you are SO SO SO Talented!
Anonymous said…
OMG, Paula, if I had money I'd commission you to make me one of those scribble tree quilts! I love, love, love scribble trees!

Very nicely done!

Scrapanimal said…
Wow the quilt you have make is beautiful. I'm jealous that you can make that beautifull quilt.

love Simone
Scrapanimal said…
Wow i love the quilt you have make.I'm just a little bit jealous that you can make such a beautifull quilt with your sewing machine. If i do it, it will became a big mess.

Love Simone
Ooo pretty!! I wish I had the patience to learn to quilt!!
Connor is always such a charmer!! I wanna just give him the biggest hug!!
you make quilts too? You are wonder woman!
Lissa Ballard said…
Gorgeous Paula!! Well done!
now you have me worried again. Where are you?
Simply ADORABLE!! Why didn't you show me this absolute beauty???

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