A wedding (and a funeral of sorts)

Danny boy has been one of Brian's best friends since they were teenagers. And ever since I have known Brian, Dan became my friend instantly. I felt such a maternal instinct towards this big boy that would come and spend weekends with my family, playing all sorts of video games with Brian and Cesar, and just being a great company to us all. So, everytime he would come and tell us about his latest breakup with his girlfriend, we would tell him time and again that he could find someone so much better (don't we all tell this to our friends when we see them in a relationship we think is not good for them???) I just have never been able to understand these relationships where they breakup more than they are together. It's just insane.

But of course, Dan would go back and they would get back together, and he would always tell this girl what our thoughts were. Then one year, my parents and my sister, who is still single, came for New Year's, and so did Danny (he always spent New Year's with us). They hit it off immediately! I was kind of happy and kind of concerned for Danny, since well, my sister was going back to Mexico. In any event, that didn't work out, but it did spark the girlfriend's fear. I guess she realized that Dan could indeed end up with someone else. So that time they got back together, and he proposed shortly after. They still broke up a couple of times, but finally, the wedding was on.

Which brings me to this weekend. We, of course, attended the wedding, but it really was bitter-sweet. I am happy for my friend's happiness, and I am praying with all my heart that this marriage works for him. He is a great guy and deserves it. But on the other hand, I was telling Brian, I felt like I went to bury our friendship. She sooo hates us. I don't blame her. But I'm sad. I know there will be no more visits from uncle Danny, and we will be lucky if we see him for our kid's big days, like first communions. But I really, really wish them the best. And I guess I'll try to keep our home open, and see what happens.

We did have a chance to see friends that we see once every year or two, and I LOVE these guys! They used to be Brian's roomates at one time or another, and the stories they have to tell had me laughing like crazy, I think we were the loudest table in the place! And the wives are just adorable, I really laughed until my tummy ached! It was a lovely outdoors wedding, although it did rain on us most of the time.

This weekend, Connor started on the fever that most ALL boys suffer with Thomas the tank engine. We bought his "official" first set of trains (Noni had given him one for Christmas, but since it's battery operated, Cesar gets to play with it more than Connor) and he's been playing with them all weekend long. And Coco got to do some crafty stuff. And we got to (finally!) go and buy a new bed!!! I am sooo happy about that! This is our third bed since we've been married. This time we went for the Tempur-Pedic one... let's see if FINALLY we can sleep without tossing and turning. They won't deliver it until Friday, and I really can't wait for it to come. I have not been able to sleep weel these last couple of weeks, my back pain wakes me up. We'll see...


Cheryl Wray said…
GORGEOUS pictures!! I especially love the little peek of the cupcakes! (maybe since I love cupcakes! lol)
Isn't it so hard when you love one part of a couple, but can't get along with the other half? That's how I feel about one of my best friends and her husband. Of course, they've been married now for almost 16 years, so I've learned to deal with it. But still so hard!
Thanks for sharing!!
Pauline said…
You have such a beautiful family, look at how big Connor is!
Sorry about the wedding / funeral I can relate to this!
Here is to hoping that he remains strong and continues to visit ...
Anonymous said…
Hopefully Dan will not let the friendship falter too much. I am sure that if he's a true friend, he will not allow that to happen!
Lesli said…
Beautiful Pics Paula - I truly hope everything turns out okay with your friendship!!

I see life continues to be busy for you - but then that's the best - isn't it :)
Funny play on words my friend (title). It's so nice of you to be happy for Dan and the only thing you can do (for him) is hope and pray his marriage works out and that she will eventually come around and like you guys. I honestly can't see why anyone would not like you, but perhaps I'm a tad bit biased!!!

Ooooh the Thomas Fever!!!! Good golly miss molly!!! We have had that fever for a few years now, did you know that Union Station has a Day out with Thomas?? It's every year (in August)!! This will be our first year not going since we started....
Bethany E. said…
Man, that's a hard one...sounds like a great friend, but I understand what you're saying! That would be a difficult situation...I just hope things turn out okay with your friendship! Love all the awesome pictures, BTW! :) Have a wonderful weekend!
Bethany E. said…
Oh yeah...it's amazing how much Connor looks like this daddy! He is so darn cute, I can't get over it!
WOO GO GIRLY GO!! Thanks for entering the Scrapdragon Contest!!!

Ok.. we had a similar situation with a friend....it's bittersweet as you said... he's happy (FOR NOW) and we're happy that he is but his wife is a SUPER &^%$# who is really just nasty and jealous. It's sad!

good luck with your new bed!! We have a sleep-number which we absolutely LOVE!!!!!

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