I'm sick like a Dog...

Why is it that we say, sick like a dog? anyone? No clue here, but I am. Got a major cold, can't breath, chest hurts, head hurts, you know, the WORKS. But I wanted to post these pix of Coco and Cesar's first day of school.
You see, when I posted the news that it would be the first day of school for my kids, that brought Noni that very day to visit. So, I'm hoping this post will have the SAME effect! In all honesty, I LOVE my in-laws. I have been blessed with an awesome husband, and I can also say that I have been also blessed with the awesome parents that raised him to be the man I so much love. When you meet Noni and Papa, you don't wonder why is Brian so fantastic. Both have a special place in my heart, and I TOTALLY love when they just show up at our front door, unexpected. Such a pleasant surprise!
My in-laws have never, not ONCE done a thing to upset me, or have been rude or unkind to me. I am very ashamed to say that the times I've been pregnant, I've been SNAPPY to my dear Noni, and that really has made me feel bad. But thank goodness, she's a loving, forgiving soul, and her heart is BIG like the MOON! So she never held it against me, and attributed it to the hormones (thank you, Noni!)
I'm not trying to score point, really. It's the honest truth... Anyways, and before I start crying (how CHEESY!!!), I gotta report also for my parents, (who SAY they read this blog and whom I also ADORE! I have been blessed on both ends!) that the kids' first day at school was AWESOME! Cesar took the bus EARLY in the morning, and he was magnanimous enough that I could snap ONE picture of him. AS for Coco, we took Matthew with us, and headed to school. Matthew has been Coco's 'bestest' friend since she was 1, but last year they didn't have the same teacher (Matthew was a PM kinder, Coco was morning).
Of course, we found Jakeroo on our way, and all the other kids we always walk with. Coco has many friends from last year and from daycare in her classroom. And I totally loved her teacher, Mrs. Pavelka. Although I think she's very young, she seems so nice and sweet! I'm sure Coco will have a great experience this year!
And so, here they are... and now, back to bed. I hope tomorrow I can STAY in bed all day!

You'd think I'm torturing this boy... Had to open the door and try to snap one more shot! He started running (I give up!)

In stark contrast, Coco gives me the cheesiest smile ever... I love it!


kmmiller said…
Sick like a dog. I am tooooo! I have had this crud since last Sunday. I finally called the DR yesterday to get drugs. I feel like someone ran me over.

Love the back to school pics. Coco looks so grown up. The look on Cesar's face cracks me up. Teenagers.

Hope you feel better soon.
Nina Diane said…
I hope you feel better! I too am home sick today with a cold....but yet, still playing on the computer!!
Bethany E. said…
Oh man...hope you feel better soon! It's really going around...Sophia is sick righ now too!

Those pictures are cracking me up...especially the one of Ceasar trying to run away!! And those cheesy smiles from Coco...LOL!!
awe, sorry your sick...found this link which answers your question.


Love that Coco's pinkness! Too cute she is!!!

Thanks for all of your wonderful comments{on my blog}...your too sweet! *smile*
I got your message tonight my dear and I'm so sorry to learn that you are so sick with whatever it is you have!! We will miss you dearly at the party...

It's wonderful to have great inlaws and I too can relate to that!!! We are truly blessed! I met yours a couple times and they were so sweet and yes I know where Bri gets his goofiness from for sure! hehehe

Glad you got a picture of Cesar FINALLY!! Yes it sure looks like you had to pay him to pose!!! (hey now there's a novel idea...) And of course Coco...can't imagine where she gets that goofy grin from......bahahahahaha!!!
Hope you feel better soon!! I dread Tuesday. Not ready for summer to be over.
oh NOOOO! NOT SICK!! :( that's not FAIR!!!
Poor thing. I hope you feel better soon.
Your children are GORGEOUS and I'm so glad to see that they had a great 1st day at school!
YOU get some rest and feel better soon!! That's an order!!
Lesli said…
Oh Paula - I am so sorry you are not feeling well - I hope it passes soon!!!

I love all the school pics - and your new banner is awesome.

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