Back to reality

Well, we had so much going on that it's almost impossible to try to catch up with it all. My parents came and left, and now I'm back to business as usual. The whole visit was so lovely. But I think the best part was realizing that I probably push myself too hard, when nobody is really asking for such "perfection". Once I realized this, I had such a great time with my parents!

Dad was so happy to work on our back yard. He loves gardening and he had a good time getting our little garden going. I LOVE the way it looks now. He and Brian had a great time going to chose the plants and trees, and I think it really is lovely.

I really was very blessed to have my parents here visiting. I can only hope we can have them back again soon. Or go visit them even sooner! I know that Cesar, Coco & Connor had a blast playing with them.
Oh, and the baptism favors??? I didn't finish them, thank you very much. Not that anyone was upset about it... not even ME!


Bethany E. said…
So glad you're back! What great pictures...they tell a story in themselves! I epecially love the Baptism special :)
fab pics...gotta love it when someone else does your garden for ya=0)
Pauline said…
Paula, such awesome pictures!
I am glad you had a wonderful visit!
Family really is so much fun!
Love your pictures, as always!! I so need a new camera (or would that be a new eye??) In any event, I know you have cherished your parent's visit and I'm so glad that you took all that time to take it easy, relax and enjoy their company. I still wish I would have been in town to come to Connor's baptism...I would have loved to have met your parents.

Let's get together soon so you can tell me all about it! Oh and the backyard is looking quite lovely!!!
klvzita said…
hey tia!!
the pictures are great
and u look amazing so no talk
about u being fat cause ur beautiful!!!
i love u and miss u
hope to see u soon!!
love ani
Lissa Ballard said…
What great photos Paula! Thanks so much for sharing your life with us. I love to see such sweet people enjoying all the good things in life. And you're right... no one is going to keel over if you didn't get to vacuum today or you left a plate of tomoatoes on the counter for an hour. My mom had to teach me the same thing.... to stop and realize the important things were my children. That killing myself working 60 hours a week and being a mom and a wife was just not worth it in the long run if I was missing out on my children. They're here for a very short while... my house will be spotless when they're gone.

Thanks again for sharing. I love the joy I see on everyone's expressions! What love there is in your home!


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