I cannot understand...

There are some things I cannot understand, and today is one of those ranting days...
We live in a country where you are free to worship whoever you want to... Except if it is Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian these days, you probably feel persecuted, like myself. Don't say Merry Christmas. Don't say Christmas party. Don't sing Christmas carols. Don't bring a Bible to school. Don't say you admire Jesus Christ for your report in school. Don't say he's your hero. Don't pray in school. Don't have a sculpture with the 10 commandments written on it in the court house. Don't say under God. Don't say In God We Trust, or you will be sued.

BUT, these hypocritical liberals will not work on Christmas day, and if they have to, they will charge overtime for it. Tomorrow is one of the holiest days in Christian faith. Will they work??? NOOOO! And what, can someone explain to me, are they celebrating? Why will they not work on a Christian holiday????


Anonymous said…
I hear your frustration, Paula. Don't tell me you needed to take care of something tomorrow and found out you won't be able to? I hope this is not the case. This world needs lots of prayers, that is for sure!
Loreluca said…
Nope, nothing I need to do besides going to church. Just honestly tired of being harrased and discriminated against for being a christian, but observing so much hypocresy when it comes down to it, that's all.
My bank is open today - that was surprising.

In any respect, I completely understand what you're talking about. It is a very sad state of affairs that our country was founded on God and yet we are succumbing to the whims and ways of non-Christians; my only advise is to be steadfast and relentless in your own faith and never waiver. (not that I would ever think you would, but you know what I mean).

Cheryl Wray said…
I hear ya!! All of our holy-days have become just "normal" days that non-Christians take as their own as well! Granted, Easter has also become just a wonderful time to get together with family--but it doesn't have a religious meaning for so many people!

As a Christian, I just try and make my faith known! this week, i have taken Easter as an opportunity to invite some people to church--knowing that even people who don't usually go to church might consider it at Eastertime! The only way to change how people think about Christianity is to be a good example of Christianity to others!

Hope you have a wonderful Easter
Anonymous said…
Amen, Cheryl Wray, Amen! All Christians need to be more of an example to the world and never give up. That is what we are called to do as followers of Jesus. Easter blessings to all of you! Holly
Anonymous said…
Funny Paula, a few ladies and I were discussing how, for Jewish holidays, we get days off of school entitled, Fall recess, yet we don't get Good Friday off.

There is always a double standard and I find it quite sad.

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