How do we get here EVERY YEAR???

I usually don't blog about these things, but today there's nothing else in my mind. I get blown away each year, right about this time of year. It's always the same. Cesar is a brilliant student, but for some reason, he starts dropping his grades. It takes a lot of grounding, lecturing, doing homework with him, meeting with teachers... I can't even count the things Brian and I end up doing to help him get back where he belongs. He's been in Academically Talented programs since second grade, and he keeps getting invited to the next one on the next grade, like now. But I don't know what it is, every year I need to threaten his summer vacation ("I promise you, Cesar, I will make you summer miserable, you can forget about your nice tan, I'll make sure you don't see the swiming pool all summer long, blah, blah, blah") in order for him to straighten up.

Then, Nicole has been pretty bratsy lately, even with her good friends. Today, her best friend (and not-so-secret-crush) Jake was here. Nicole wanted a lollipop, and I told her "SURE, just give one to Jake". She threw a tantrum! Not very unusual, really... lately she has them more and more often. She refused to give him a lollipop! She refused to share her candy with her best friend who always tells her he will marry her one day!! She's been just horribible! I swear, if I didn't know better, I'd say she's pmsing... permanently.

Even Connor has been a little bit screamy, granted he has 4 teeth coming in at the same time! And he's just so pinchable and his cheeks are so chubby, all I need to do is kiss him and I forget he just can't stop screaming.

Arrggghhh!!! Sorry, it's just one of those days when you question yourself as a mother, and wonder if you can still go to Timbuctu and be a missionary with the sisters of the third order of the perpetual candle of eternal light...


i am soooo with you! when do we leave? ;0)
Anonymous said…
I hate to say this, but I think its the weather.

Hange in there hun, it will get better.
Anonymous said…
If this happens every year, than maybe you need to come up with a plan for the next time this happens. Preventative measures are always a better alternative. Saves you all the aggravation,especially when you have 2 more following in his steps. Be strong, God will help.
Bethany E. said…
hmmmm...that's a toughy, considering that I don't have any children Cesar's age! But, I know exactly what you're talking about when it comes to the 4 teeth coming in at the same time!! Sophie has all 4 of her molars come in at the same time a couple months ago...that was fun :)
Pauline said…
Paula, no tan and tantrums ... reading it I need a vacation!
Anonymous said…
Oh Paula, all is not lost. This is the time of year when lots of kids do that. They are aching for summer, bored with winter. I wouldn't worry too much. Nothing to get headaches about Luv.
whoa! Look at that new banner! Lookin good!
Wow look at your following! You are so loved by many!

You so crack me up btw, but I tell you that all the time so you already know this. I love your outlook on life...LOVE IT!

Kids are kids, I believe it's the weather too - good thing better days are ahead!!!!

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