Am I missing something????

This morning, I was feeding Connor and Coco was eating her breakfast. Brian was getting ready, Digger was quietly laying in the family room, Cesar left around 7:15 am. It's 7:45 when the door bell rings. Of course, we all jump. Who could it be at this hour?

I open the door, and two girls that I can very vaguely place are standing at my porch. One must be about Cesar's age, the other one must be about 14 or so. "We are friends of Cesar. We missed the bus. Can you take us to school?" WHAT? Who are these kids? What happened to "Good morning, Mrs. Riordan. Sorry to bother you so early in the morning"?????

I have to finish feeding Connor, make Coco's hair and get to school by 8:30, and their school (Cesar's school) is at least 20 minutes away. I feel bad, but I say, "I really can't today. Wait - Brian, can you take these kids to school?" "Sorry, hun, I'm going to Indiana today, and I still have to drive north to Noni's to drop off Connor". So I turn to them and say, "Sorry, Sweety, I really can't today" (who are they??? I kind of remember Cesar mentioning that one of them is Shaniqua or Shanikwa or something. I think he said they wanted to beat a boy with a pipe??? Is that them???)

So, I close my door. And then, I start thinking how mean I am. They may not be friendly kids, but what are they going to do if I don't help them? "Brian, I really feel bad". "Hun, we can't today, Paula". A few minutes more, when I reflect: if that was Cesar, wouldn't I want someone to help him? What if something happens to them, and I could've helped?

So, I say, "I'm going out to look for them, Hun. I'll take them after I take Coco, and call the office, tell them I'll be late. Out I go. Brian tells me they live a few houses away. I knock the door, and the two girls come out. I say, "you know, if you don't mind waiting, I'll take you after I take my daughter to school." "Sure". We start walking, when I realize there's a car in the driveway.

"is your mom home?" "Yes - No" Each one gives a different answer. I look at them, and they say, well, it's not my mom, but my aunt, but she is terribly sick, she really can't leave the house." Just as she finishes saying that, the door opens, and this woman (full hair-do, make up, nails and purse) walks out the door. I, of course, am still wearing my jammies, since I haven't had time to change, probably still have my sheets marked on my cheeck and and barefoot.

"Is that your aunt?" Of course it is. Well, good, she can take you. Did I hear "thank you, lady"?? Not in my dreams...

What is wrong with people today??? I still don't get it!! I just walked back home, feeling so stupid, so naive. And there's Brian, with his "I told you so" face. Good thing he didn't say anything. He just hugged me...

Tomorrow, I am SO NOT looking forward to a trial at Daley Center about a wrongful death (can you spell DEPRESSED, please????)

It was a good thing that today was Coco's Silly Hat day! That girl SO makes my days!!!
(No pics today... I'll load them some other day...)


Anonymous said…
O Paula...I am so sorry....I know what you mean...I have had many times when I got out of my way to find out that someone else could have but would not be bothered. BUT the nice thing is to know that there aer a lot of us out there, so even though there are people like {that} out there ...we can know that WE ARE NOT ONE OF THEM!!! Thank goodness!hugs to you!!
Pauline said…
Paula you are so an ANGEL in waiting .. a total gift from GOD ...
Loreluca said…
Oh, man! Didn't mean for you guys to say such nice things about me! just shocked, really... and feeling foolish, too I guess :)
Anonymous said…
what a great story (i chuckled a little). it takes all kinds don't it. you are such a sweetie to want to help the girls. i would have felt bad too - but manners would be nice huh?
I completely understand what you mean about kids today. Unfortunately, it's their parents that are to blame (our generation no less). They are less grateful, don't work as hard and have no conscience! Sad really, but it's the parents we need to blame.

I learned this weekend (and yes I'm way behind in my blog readings) that God loves everyone no matter what they do, and that we should too. You exhibited just that my friend! You shouldn't feel stupid, naive or anything!!!!
Anonymous said…
Wow... Paula... that's so sad. Kids today are a different breed. We would NEVER have been like that when we were kids - our parents would have had a stroke not to mmention the disciplinary measures that we would have faced!

You are a savior to the kids Paula with your kind heart and good nature. Don't feel bad, naive, stupid etc, You were being a good mother. Plain and simple, you put yourself in their shoes and the shoes of a mother who would want the same for her kids... It's the old Golden Rule thing - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...

Unfortunately our youth has a different Golden Rule as described by my 17 yo. The common thread these days is "Do unto others before they do unto you..."

How sad...

You're a delight Paula. Don't lose your kind spirit.


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