It's so nice to be in contact!

I guess you don't realize how much you depend on technology to feel secure, is it? I'm not quite sure what the word would be. But this is what happened:

Monday morning, my neighbors had a technician come work on their phone line, which was giving them problems, at about 9 am. So, about 9:15, poof! our cable, internet conection AND phone line (mind ya!) all go out. dead. zero. no dial tone, nothing.

I realize that the technician came and fixed the neighbors, but disconnected us. I work from home, and am COMPLETELY dependent on my internet connection. So, I get on the line, and explain the situation. They explain they will get a technician here on Tuesday between 8 and 8...

NOT HELPING ME! The guy tells me I must go to a local office, see if they can help. So, on the car I get, and to the office I go. Get there, and they send AN EMAIL to the guys, to see if they can get to my home the same day.

Somebody shows up on Monday night, and explains that 7 households are connected to a 4 outlet PORT!!!! So, he cannot disconnect anyone else, I'll have to wait for a line tech to come and fix the plate. 11 pm comes and goes, and I can only imagine how cool the QVC show is with Lisa...

ANYWAYS... Tuesday comes, and I cannot work. One of my bosses is in Mexico, so it's really difficult for the office to function two of us. The day goes by, and there is NO tech coming this way. At 6 I call, and they tell me that the tech already reported the problem as SOLVED!!!

Ok, after nearly having a heart attack, they promise somebody for Wednesday. And, Oh, miracle, somebody actually comes!!!! The guy does a temporary connection, and leaves my internet and cable working, so at least I can work. Later, another guy comes and fixes the phone. And I feel they are the bestest heroes around!

In any event, it was frustrating, to say the least, to be cut off the outside world. Although when the dh would come home, I would get on the wireless internet, just to check email and basically erase it without even reading (honestly, there was no time!), it was so frustrating. I felt claustrophobic. That is so weird. I so needed my Internet conection! Cannot remember how did I keep in touch with loved ones and updated with the news before the internet and cable tv. Can't imagine what was life like when the phone was a luxury afforded only by a few.

Even though it was a frustrating couple of days, when you put it all into context, it's really not so bad. We are healthy, we are together, we are happy to be a little family. Life IS good, and God keeps a close eye on us!

In any event, we're getting ready for school. Cesar is about to start Jr. High, and Coco will start kindergarden. Connor is just growing and growin, happy little boy with quite a temper. Somebody should have told us that Mexican and Irish make a very temperamental combo! Trying to upload pics of Cesar and Coco, but Blogger is not helping... so, it is tata for now!

PS.- I forgot, before the whole Internet fiasco, I had created a new blog at typepad, trying to upload a challenge that Carrie invited us to do... Would you check it out and tell me what you think? Maybe I'll just change over to typepad and forget about not being able to upload on blogger!



Paula you SAINT! I truly have to say that I look up to you with your GREAT outlook on things.. I would have NEVER been able to be so calm on that matter! There would be NO WAY sister!!! Especially from what they said, that is just WRONG I tell ya, waaaay wrong!!!

In any event, I'm SO GLAD to see you back online and connected again! I have sure missed your blogs and now that you're headed over to the new site, I will have to change your link (oh and what's with the alphabetizing and now I'm listed LAST???!! I see how I rate!)

I agree with Tracie on this one! You ARE a saint!! I would be flipping out! LOL
I'm glad you're back to blogging! I missed your posts!
I HATE TYPEPAD :( I can never get the pages to load over there. I tried it and hated it. Blogger is my home LOL
your children are gorgeous!~~!!

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