Cesar's 1st day of Jr. High
So, this morning, Cesar woke up at 6 am. By 6:24, he was already having breakfast. He had already showered and dressed. He went to see his best friend, Donald, across the street, to get some "advice", about the bus stop (kid, it's only 6:30, will you give it a rest!!!.) Comes back smelling like cologne, which Donald let him use [mental note: cologne for Cesar.]
I volunteered to take him to school, just for the first day, but he looked at me as if I had suddenly grown two heads.
And out the door he goes... NOT! I tried to come out the door and take pictures of him as he walked out the door, and he was soooo not cool with that! He went back and called Brian for HELP!!! "Bri, mom is trying to take pictures of me again"
And Brian: "Are you nuts, woman? Put that thing down", as if my camera was a lethal weapon!!! Males, I tell ya!!! So, I had to thank him for letting me take just a few shots inside the house... and sneak out after he left, to see what I could do with the zoom!!
It's almost 1:00 pm, and it feels so strange eating without him! I just can't bring myself down to the kitchen... Maybe I'll just go scrap a li'l instead of lunch today...
Keep smiling mom!
Cute that he wanted to smell nice. :)