About sick kids, finished patios and other stuff

Ok, I've been home with my sick kids for TOO long now! First, Connor had an ear infection, so peniciline was prescribed, two weeks ago today. So, we start the peniciline right on Friday and on Wednesday, he breaks up in hives and fever. I thought it was chicken pox. So we go to the doctor (again), and he prescribes Benadril, just in case it is an allergic reaction, but almost swears it a "highly infectious virus", so he must not go to daycare. By now, I already missed 1 day of work, and with this, it's two more. Of course, that should be the least of my concerns. I know that the guys I work with are SUPER cool, but I wonder how flexible is flexible. Anyways... Connor just went back to daycare this week, when Amy calls me yesterday morn to tell me Nicole has a fever! So, I go get her, and nothing was bringing that darn fever down! She had a 102 all night; we brought it down around 2 am by placing wet rags and giving her more meds, and placing the fan on her, and getting her down to her underwear...

SO, now I need to call the doctor's office again, and see what is it, and what can we do. Now, Cesar is supposed to come for the weekend from his dad's place (he's on vacation there for 3 weeks), and Estella (his stepmom) sends a message letting me know that it seems like the virus he had (???) is gone, but they had Sarah (Cesar's sister) vomiting and feverish this week, and she herself had to miss work two days because of the virus!!

I was looking forward to look for a patio set this weekend. We went to Menards in Yorkville to look this week, and THEY DON'T have ANYTHING. Wow, talk about a bad economy???? I soooo wanted a nice swing, a table and chairs and a nice "fireplace", actually was looking for one of those tables with a grill in the middle... But, as my luck has it these days, NOTHING there (nothing that matched, anyways, and definitely no swings!). But with sick kids AGAIN this weekend, I guess I'll stay indoors giving them meds... and getting Cesar's virus, too!

boo-hoo, I'm such a whiney whine these days! Ok, I need to go call the doctor again... ta-ta for now!
PS.- Blogger is NOT letting me post pics... guess I'll have to add that later!


kmmiller said…
Hope you don't get sick. Take care! I can wait to see the patio!
I'm sorry Paula! I would be in the dumps too. I am sure you probably already do this, but when Lu has a stubborn fever, we piggy back the meds. Motrin, then follow up with Tylenol a couple hours later.
For the patio set, have you tried Craigslist.org? Click on your city and shop away. Remember, I'm the bargin queen. :)
Ooh man I'm sorry to hear about all these ickies the kiddos have!!! Let's hope that YOU don't get anything now!! Start taking Zicam!!!!!!
Oh man.... and you know how virus's cycle around and around when you have more than one kid! I hope that the cycle is finished and you can enjoy the rest of your summer without any sickies!!!
Hang in there!!!

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