One of those days...
All three of my kids had to see the doctor today. Cesar's going into junior high and to a daycamp for three weeks at his dad's, so he needs two physicals; Nicole is going to Kinder, and needs a physical AND 3 shots, and Connor just turned 6 months yesterday, so he needed his OTHER 3 shots. Ok, now, scheduling all your kids together may be a time saver, but I'm not quite sure that the mental sanity comes out of there with flying colors. Coco and Cesar kept bickering and arguing about EVERYTHING, Connor was very uncomfy, and I was getting a bad bad headache. So, I am trying to keep peace between the two older, and Cesar's responses were getting me so frustrated. It's not what he says, but the attitude that I start seeing in this quasi-teenager that makes me get soooo angry. And there is just NO WAY of reasoning with him, because he just can't see what my point is. So, as I was driving, trying to bite my tongue not to keep this whole fight going, I went back in ti...