Gardening Day

Yesterday, Noni and Pappa came to pick up the kids to give Brian and I some time to finish projects. Brian did a SUPERB job on the garden and the garage... I can't believe I have a garage again! We still can't fit a car in there, true, but at least you can actually WALK without it meaning an almost certain trip to the ER. Bri planted some new flowers, and my garden looks pretty.

Anyways... around 7, Bri called Noni and Pappa and told them we'd head out there, grab a bite to eat, and get the kids. Pappa called back one minute later and announced they're on their way. In all honesty, I was a little hurt (are my kids THAT unbearable???), but hey, I was grateful that they actually did help out.

Half an hour later, they come in, and I hear Connor crying and sobbing! I was worried because I've never heard him cry like that before, so I went down as Pappa got him out of his seat. Connor was still crying, his voice almost gone, his whole body shaking. Pappa picked him up and started pacing around with him. He was so mortified, explaining that he was a happy baby all day, but then he started crying and nothing he did would stop him.

At this point, I was a little scared, because there is no calming Connor. I touched his skin, but he didn't feel warm. Pappa, was still pacing with him in arms, talking to him. Coco was asking what was wrong, getting a little scared, too. Noni comes in, and is also mortified. Thankfully, Brian is picking up some chinese, otherwise he would have fainted.

So I tell Pappa, "Let help you here", and I grab Connor. He sighs a couple more times, and then... silence. We are still trying to figure out what can it be, if maybe he caught my cold, or he has some sort of earache, but then Pappa stares at him and says: "You little Stinker! You're smiling!". Yup, Connor is all smiles and laughs, his usual self. After I held him for a little while, Pappa held him again, and it's our usual Connor... Boy, oh boy! I've created a monster!! (another one?) Can you say Mamma's Boy? Oh, boy, I think I'm in trouble!


found your blog through Kims (Scrap to my Lu)
I have a baby who also does that 'crying thing' where she can't be consoled no matter WHAT unless I hold her! Like you said, Mommy's Baby!! She's 2 now and still, the same thing. Sometimes when she's at my inlaws, she's PERFECTLY happy but then she misses me and it's OVER. Poor babies!!
~ Gabi
Looks like Tracie, Gabi, you and me are all blog buddies! :)

How old is your baby? My Lu had to be in MY arms. My husband could hold him for about 30 min, then it was ME ME ME. I actually wore him for the year. Thank God for the Baby Bjorn!
Loreluca said…
The concept! Baby Bjorn! And to think I DO have one!!! Well, thanks for the tip... now I'll just get it out and actually USE it!!!
Yup, it seems like we're all blog buds. Connor is 5 months now, Nicole will be 5 this Saturday, and Cesar will turn 12 this September... Boy, I feel like I'm aging as I type!!!

Thanks for stopping by! I actually LOVE your Blogs! See you there!
:-) Hi friends!!!! Glad you all connected!

Oh my that Connor Paula!! He IS a mamma's boy!! My boys were so bad, they really love their daddy and they did go through a spell where if I even left to the grocery store they would cry and cry. Thankfully that was short-lived!!

Oooh and nice garden!!! :-)

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