So... this is what they call "late pregnancy"...

Ok, so, today I'm feeling really weird. Shortness of breath, very, very tired, low blood pressure. A call to my doc just to make sure. They call back, and the nurse's first phrase is: "This is pretty common in late pregnancies". I'm only 36, for crying out loud!!! But then again, this pregnancy does feel different that the other ones. Maybe (and look here, I'm being very careful...), only maybe, I'm too old to deal with this!

Back in the day, Abuelita had her last one at 40; the other one at 39. Of course, I need to consider into this math, Abuelita Paula was a mom at 15 and had 15 kids; Abuelita Tere was a mom by 21 and had 8. They cooked their own food, never knew what frozen veggies or meats or meals were, and to them, a can was an aluminum object good only to put water and bird food for their birdies, not a container to store food for months, maybe even years. And let's not even mention that said food would be for human consumption. My Abuelitas would probably have a heart attack.

Ok, so life does change after 30. And after motherhood. And after marriage. And after 40. And I'm getting closer now to that next change. You see, I have bearly reached a place where I found my own rythm, feeling great in my own skin, when it's time for the next change. It's really TOO bad that we don't get an instructions' manual when we arrive, or in the middle of the road.

In any event, it feels weird (really, weird) to lay in bed ALL day long doing nothing. Maybe all this blah blah is just the proof my hubby will need in the insanity hearing. Anyways, I needed to come to the computer for just a few minutes to make sure I STILL AM. I blog. I post. Therefore, I AM. Just weird. But, still, I AM.


I remember this time for you my friend...I wish I knew you were blogging back then....

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