
Showing posts from October, 2007


I made this in a Saturday class... only took 4.5 hours! (I should be making scrapbooks to sell at the Promenade Craft Show at Cesar's Jr. High... at this rate, I will be selling all the materials I bought, at cost, if that!!!). Love that last picture... Connor's tongue is always sticking out, for some unknown reason...

Because I REALLY have nothing else to do...

... I started a new craft addiction this week! Well, it's not an addiction yet , but I ALWAYS wanted to learn how to quilt, and today I started!!! Down the street from us, there's a store called A Stitching Good Time , and I finally stopped by and signed up for two classes. Now, I have to admit that I am NOT liking my choice of fabrics, but I am liking the process. It is a lot less complicated than I expected. This is a mini Christmas tree skirt, and I was thinking of using it for our mini trees (we always have one in the dinning room and another one in the bathroom), but I'm not very sure anymore. It really is looking kind of HIDEOUS to me... maybe when I put the edge THINGY and the other STUFF, it will look better. See how technical I already am? And this is just my FIRST CLASS!!! We went to the park and to pick our pumpkins over the weekend. Seeing the pictures of Connor, I must confess: I AM IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN!!!! (What can I say?? I love all THREE of them!!!) Hugs!

Above all, God is Good

I never expected Brian's new job to be so taxing on us, but it really has been. I was used to Brian helping around the house, helping get the kids ready in the morning, helping with their homework in the evenings. But September really was a trying month for us. Everyday I fall asleep by 9 or 10 pm, and I'm up before 6. I know a lot of women do this on a daily basis, but this is my first time doing it without Brian's help and I feel permanently exhausted. Then came October and I got a call. It was that dreaded phone call. By now, all of my sisters have gone to Mexico to live by my parents; I'm the only one left in my dear country. So, on Sunday 10/7 one of my sisters called me with the news that dad was having a heart attack. It's very serious. He's dying. Get down here NOW. I didn't know that American citizens can't travel by air to Mexico with their birth certificate and an ID any longer, which is the way I always traveled before. As of October 1st, if ...