Without a doubt, I come from another place
This week, I heard the news about an acquaintance of mine. She was pregnant for a few months, as a matter of fact, at the same time I was pregnant the first time this year, before we lost our dear baby. But then she learned her baby was not picture perfect. The baby had Down Syndrome. And so, she decided to "terminate" her pregnancy. She had an abortion, which took three days to take place, took pictures of the baby she just killed, had him cremated and took him home. Now, I REALLY must come from another place, another dimension where this is absolutely outrageous. As a matter of fact, the place I come from is NOT politically correct. In that place, things are called by their name. Under these circumstances, for example, what this woman did is legally considered a crime, and it's called by it's true name, murder . And the perpetrators go to jail for it. But here, it turns out, people feel for a woman like this. People feel sorry, and pitty and empathy. And I just won...